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Unlocking the Mysteries of Tarot: A Comprehensive Course

Unlock the mysteries of Tarot with our comprehensive course. Learn the history, structure, and interpretation techniques of the Tarot and tap into your intuition to receive valuable guidance from the universe. Discover the symbolism and meanings of the Major and Minor Arcana, and master advanced techniques to deepen your understanding. Enroll today in the Tarot Card Course offered by “Indian Astrology” and get empowered with the mystical occult science of Tarot.


Tarot is a powerful tool for divination, self-discovery, and personal growth. It is a deck of 78 cards, each with its own unique symbolism and interpretation. For centuries, people have turned to Tarot for guidance, insight, and inspiration.

Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a curious beginner, Learn Tarot Card Reading from “Indian Astrology” and unlock the mysteries of Tarot which can be a transformative experience. With its complex imagery and multifaceted meanings, Tarot can provide a deeper understanding of yourself, your relationships, and your life path.

In this comprehensive course that “Indian Astrology” offers, students explore Tarot in depth, from its structure to its practical applications in everyday life. Whether you're looking to gain a deeper understanding of Tarot for personal growth or to offer readings to others, this course will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to become a confident and skilled Tarot Card Reader.

Let us get a basic but very informative overview of Tarot Card Reading!

Understanding Tarot

To truly unlock the mysteries of Tarot, it's important to have a solid understanding of its history, structure, and symbolism. Tarot originated in Europe in the late 14th century and has been used for divination and spiritual insight ever since.

Tarot is divided into two main groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each representing a major life lesson or archetypal experience. The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards, divided into four suits (Cups, Swords, Wands, and Pentacles) and representing the everyday experiences and challenges of life.

Each card in Tarot has its own unique symbolism and meaning, and understanding these meanings is essential to interpreting the messages of a Tarot reading. For example, the High Priestess card represents intuition, secrets, and mystery, while the Tower card represents sudden upheaval and change.

In addition to its symbolism, Tarot also relies on Numerology and elemental correspondences. Each card is associated with a number and an element (Earth, Air, Fire, or Water), adding another layer of depth and complexity to the readings.

By understanding the history, structure, and symbolism of Tarot, you can begin to unlock its mysteries and gain deeper insights into your own life and experiences.

Getting Started with Tarot

If you're new to the world of Tarot, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. Here are some tips to help you get started with Tarot:

1. Choose a Deck: There are many different Tarot decks available, each with its own unique artwork and symbolism. Choose a deck that resonates with you and feels comfortable to use.

2. Learn the Meanings: Begin by learning the meanings of the cards. You can do this by studying the guidebook that comes with your deck, or by using online resources.

3. Practice: Start practicing by doing simple Tarot spreads, such as a three-card past-present-future spread. As you become more comfortable with the cards, you can try more complex spreads.

4. Trust Your Intuition: As you do readings, trust your intuition and allow the cards to speak to you. Don't worry about memorizing the meanings of every card; instead, focus on the overall message of the reading.

5. Keep a Tarot Journal: Keep a journal of your Tarot readings and your interpretations of the cards. This will help you track your progress and develop your own personal relationship with the Tarot.

6. Seek Guidance: If you're struggling to interpret the cards or feel overwhelmed, consider seeking guidance from an experienced Tarot Reader or joining a Tarot Community.

Remember, Tarot is a personal journey of self-discovery, and there's no right or wrong way to interpret the cards. Take your time, be patient with yourself, and trust the process. With practice and dedication, you'll be on your way to unlocking the mysteries of the Tarot.

The Major Arcana

The Major Arcana is the most recognizable aspect of Tarot, consisting of 22 cards that depict major life events and archetypal themes. Each card has a unique image and meaning that can reveal insights and provide guidance for the person seeking a reading.

The first card, The Fool, represents the beginning of a journey and a willingness to take risks. The Magician is a symbol of manifestation and creativity, while The High Priestess represents intuition and the mysteries of the unknown. The Empress is a symbol of abundance and nurturing, while The Emperor represents authority and structure. The Hierophant is a symbol of tradition and spiritual guidance, and The Lovers represent the power of choice and relationships.

The Chariot represents ambition and determination, while Strength is a symbol of inner strength and courage. The Hermit represents solitude and introspection, while the Wheel of Fortune represents the cycles of life and destiny. Justice represents balance and fairness, while The Hanged Man represents sacrifice and surrender. Death is a symbol of transformation and rebirth, while Temperance represents balance and moderation. The Devil represents materialism and temptation, while The Tower represents upheaval and change.

The Star represents hope and inspiration, while The Moon represents the unconscious and hidden emotions. The Sun represents joy and success, while Judgment represents self-evaluation and reflection. Finally, The World represents completion and accomplishment, marking the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one.

By understanding the meanings and symbolism of the Major Arcana cards, a reader can provide insightful and relevant guidance to someone seeking answers and clarity in their life.

The Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana is the second part of the tarot deck, consisting of four suits with 14 cards each. These cards represent the everyday events and people we encounter in our lives. The four suits are Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles.

The Wands suit represents passion, creativity, and inspiration. The Cups suit represents emotions, relationships, and intuition. The Swords suit represents the mind, communication, and decision-making. The Pentacles suit represents the physical world, including money, health, and material possessions.

Each suit has four face cards: the Page, Knight, Queen, and King. These cards represent different aspects of personality, ranging from youthful enthusiasm to mature leadership. The remaining ten cards in each suit are numbered, ranging from Ace to Ten, and represent different situations or challenges that we may encounter in our daily lives.

It is important to understand the meanings and symbolism of the Minor Arcana cards in order to gain a deeper understanding of their messages and how they relate to our lives. The Tarot Card Course offered by “Indian Astrology” is a comprehensive course on Tarot that will provide detailed explanations of each card and its significance within the suit and the overall deck.

Advanced Tarot Techniques

Once you have a solid understanding of the basics of Tarot, it is time to explore advanced Tarot techniques. These techniques can help you to deepen your understanding of the cards and expand your abilities as a reader.

One technique is to use Tarot spreads. Spreads are patterns of cards that are laid out in a specific way to provide insight into a particular question or situation. There are countless spreads to choose from, each with its own unique purpose and meaning. Some popular spreads include the Celtic Cross, the Three-Card Spread, and the Horseshoe Spread.

Another advanced technique is to incorporate Astrology into your Tarot readings. Each card is associated with a planet or zodiac sign, and understanding these associations can provide additional layers of meaning to the cards. For example, the Strength card is associated with the zodiac sign Leo, which is known for its bravery and courage.

You can also experiment with using different decks or creating your own custom spreads. Each deck has its own unique symbolism and artwork, which can provide a fresh perspective on the cards. Additionally, creating your own spreads allows you to tailor the reading to your specific needs or questions.

Finally, meditation and intuition can play a big role in advanced Tarot techniques. By quieting the mind and tuning in to your intuition, you can receive deeper insights and messages from the cards. Trusting your instincts and allowing the cards to speak to you in a more intuitive way can lead to powerful and trans formative readings.

To sum it up, advanced Tarot techniques can take your readings to the next level, providing deeper insights and a greater connection to the cards. By incorporating Tarot spreads, Astrology, different decks, and intuition into your practice, you can expand your understanding of the tarot and unlock its mysteries.


In conclusion, Tarot is a powerful tool for gaining insight and guidance into one's life. By understanding the symbolism and meanings of the cards, individuals can tap into their intuition and receive valuable messages from the universe. Once you Learn Tarot Card Reading from “Indian Astrology” and  with continued practice and exploration, you can deepen your understanding and unlock the mysteries of Tarot even further. Remember to approach Tarot with an open mind and heart, and trust that it will guide you towards greater clarity, growth, and wisdom.

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